News summary

Changxin Jinli Trend Mixed A(519995) The latest net value rose 0baccarat504.34%baccarat504, the yield in recent January was 0baccarat504.26%, ranking 1,800 in the same category| 3902, with a scale of 4.764 billion yuan.

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[The net value of Changxin Jinli A Fund increased by 0.34%] On April 25, 2024, the latest net value of Changxin Jinli Trend (519995) Hybrid A (519995) was 0.3840 yuan, up from the previous trading daybaccarat5040.34%.

baccarat504| Changxin Jinli Trend Mixed A(519995): Return rate in the past month 0.26% in the same category, ranking 1800| 3902

The fund's return in the past month was 0.26%, ranking 1,800 among similar funds| 3902, which shows that it has certain competitiveness among similar funds. In the past six months, the fund's yield has reached 1.00%, ranking 1,064 among similar funds| 3665, showing a relatively steady growth trend.

Changxin Jinli Trend Hybrid A Fund was established on April 30, 2006 and has a history of 17 years. As of March 31, 2024, the fund's size was 4.764 billion yuan, indicating its large scale in the market.